(425) 519-9032
Locksmith Tools of the Trade Pt.1: Automotive Edition

Locksmith Tools of the Trade Pt.1: Automotive Edition

Being a locksmith has changed a lot over the years. Once upon a time, the only automotive locksmith tools needed to cover the vast majority of jobs were a good set of lock picks for door locks, a slim jim for cars, and a stethoscope in case you also offered services...
Residential Security… What to Know

Residential Security… What to Know

Once upon a time, home or residential security was a phrase that didn’t exist. All one needed to be secure in one’s home was four walls and roof. Perhaps a bar over the door to keep out the odd bear. Then someone decided to put locks on the doors, though you or your...
Commercial Security… What to Know

Commercial Security… What to Know

Bellevue Locksmithing understands your need for commercial security. Specifically, the need to physically secure your business. Too often, when people think of and discuss commercial security, they are referring only to digital security, protecting your important...

Locksmithing – A Day In The Life

Modern locksmithing is interesting, to say the least. Thanks to the wide variety of skills necessary to do the job today, there is no telling what the skilled locksmiths at Bellevue Locksmithing will do from one day to the next. This is one of the best things about...

What Does It Take To Be A Professional Locksmith?

Being a professional locksmith has changed a lot over the years. Twenty years ago, a few simple tools to rebuild locks, make replacements keys and pick a lock from time-to-time were all that was needed. If you had the necessary skills, you might be called upon to...
Residential Security… What to Know

New Year… New, Smarter Locks!

Not sure what to get the family this Christmas? How about a safer and more secure home using smart locks? As we approach the new year, we think about all the things we would like to improve in our lives. One thing you should consider is improving your home’s door...
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